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Membership type: Select from the table which type of membership is appropriate for you taking into account the various costs, rights and votes. Youth/educational memberships require a date of birth.
Member (or organisation) name: For joint members, at least two names must be provided to account for the two votes allotted to that membership type. Joint membership can have as many as four named members. If there are more than two, you can select who of the listed people will have voting rights. If the membership belongs to an entity, then type in the name of the entity and select whether GST applies to it or not. You will also need to provide details for a contact person.
Click 'Update' to affect these changes.
Login details: Your email will be your login username. Please enter it and confirm it, together with a password. After completing the declaration, you can move to the next step. Clicking 'Cancel' will delete all details entered and redirect you back to the homepage. This action cannot be undone.